The Little Princess (1997)
"The Little Princess" is a 1997 Drama movie directed by Vladimir Zheleznikov and starring by Anastasiya Meskova, Lyanka Gryu. The film is set in 1890s London. Sarah lived happily in India with her father, but when he was drafted into military service he placed Sarah in a boarding school in London. Sarah was lonely, but she made some good friends at school. Suddenly her father was announced dead in a mine accident and Sarah became an orphan. Now she goes on a long and dangerous journey to find her father, who loved her and called her a "little princess".
Released : Jun 06, 1997
Runtime : 88 min.
Stars : Anastasiya Meskova, Lyanka Gryu, Alla Demidova, Igor Yasulovich
Director : Vladimir Zheleznikov
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