In the Weeds (2000)
"In the Weeds" is a 2000 Comedy movie directed by Michael Rauch and starring by Joshua Leonard, Molly Ringwald. It's Martha's first night as a waitress in an upscale New York restaurant. Veteran Chloe shows her the ropes and introduces her to the lives of the restaurant staff. Adam, a hopeful playwright, suffers for his art while dealing with a very indecisive (ex-?)girlfriend. Marlon is a cocky young actor, certain that his big break is just around the corner. When the restaurant's obnoxious owner, Simon, brings a special client in for dinner, pressures mount until an explosion seems inevitable.
Released : Jun 11, 2000
Runtime : 91 min.
Stars : Joshua Leonard, Molly Ringwald, Ellen Pompeo, Michael B. Silver
Director : Michael Rauch
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